The TimewasterCollection

The game menu lets you check how much time you have already wasted every time you return here from playing a game.
A classic rolling the dice game which is best played against humans, but if you can't find anyone to play with, an autistic mode is also provided.
StarWhiz lets you play a 50's style arcade game for the nostalgic at heart and wasters of time. Plenty of cliches included, so save the galaxis, not your time. Beat the hiscore shown and win a free bookmark to this page.
Remember that terrorist in the lab? He's back and he will relentlessly attack your health (and your time). Or come up with your own stories and share them with other time wasters using LAPSETM (LabVirus assisted programmatic story editor) technology.
Testimonials by reviewers
Wasting time hasn't been this fun since Minesweeper!
Testimonials by users 

- Baron Crimson: These games require Filemaker!? What's up with that? The download definately [sic] wasted my time. [Editor's note: Filemaker is no longer required.]
- Prio: Don't bother. Just take my word for it, please. Don't bother.
Clean Award from Softpedia